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Monday, April 20, 2009

Best Colleges through CET

CET has been a very popular option for Maharashtra MBA aspirants..However getting a good college in CET is easy as well as tough...

1)Easy because unlike CAT,XAT and most other B-school entrance exams..CET is a speed the more you practice the better you get..
2) Tough because there are very few good options available in CET..The only colleges that are
good in CET are:-
a) JBIMS - 99.85 %tile to 99.99%tile
b) Sydenham - 99.5 %tile to 99.85%tile
c) Somaiya and Welingakr - 99.4 %tile to 99.8%tile
d) PUMBA...

Out of the above colleges, JBIMS is the best by far.....
So all the best to all CET aspirants ..and my advice to you would be to solve as many CET mocks as possible...
Will be soon coming up with tricks of solving the CET keep looking at the blog..Add it to your favourites....Go thru my other posts as well to find other information...


Anonymous said...

Hey Mahavir,

Thanks a ton for putting all this together.. and congrats!!

Unknown said...

thnx for such a valuable information...i wld like to know what is the cut off marks for the colleges u've they take into account our percentile score or our marks out off 200??

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